Wrapping It Up
Wrapping it Up Over the semester I have become more aware of my social media use, and I believe that my professionalism has grown within the content that I post. I think the thing I need to focus on now that I have all of my social media more concise is the aesthetic that I would like to portray through it. I have an idea of what I like, but I need to allocate the time and money to complete the photo shoots needed. I am definitely more intentional through the use of my social media accounts. I understand the impact I can have with my potential customers. I have sold 3 pieces this semester through my social media accounts, and I believe at least 2 of them have been because of this class and the attention I have been giving my social media accounts. My viewpoint on social media hasn't necessarily changed, but I do believe that I have more of an understanding of it since I first started this class. I think I am a lot more aware about the power of algorithms and how Google prob...