Week 10: Email Marketing
Email Marketing
For my business, it would make sense to send out a newsletter quarterly, I do paint on the regular, but I think it would make more sense if I were to send a newsletter out that focused on my more staged shoots, so that I could focus a bit more on the aesthetics of my work. I should place a lot of time into staging my pieces, where as with social media platforms, I can continue to post what I am doing on the regular with my paintings and my business.
The information I should focus on in these newspapers should consist of finished pieces, pieces I have for sale online, and perhaps future craft shows I will be selling my artwork at.
Content ideas: finished pieces, Staged pieces, my future shows, video launches, Blog Launches, upcoming classes, pieces that I have for sale online, upcoming sales.
I do get a lot of newsletters coming through, and for the ones that I do actually look at, they come from artists that I actually know and admire. Usually they are announcements of where they're art is going to be next, and when they will be in town.
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