Wrapping It Up

Wrapping it Up


Over the semester I have become more aware of my social media use, and I believe that my professionalism has grown within the content that I post. I think the thing I need to focus on now that I have all of my social media more concise is the aesthetic that I would like to portray through it. I have an idea of what I like, but I need to allocate the time and money to complete the photo shoots needed. I am definitely more intentional through the use of my social media accounts. I understand the impact I can have with my potential customers. I have sold 3 pieces this semester through my social media accounts, and I believe at least 2 of them have been because of this class and the attention I have been giving my social media accounts.

 My viewpoint on social media hasn't necessarily changed, but I do believe that I have more of an understanding of it since I first started this class. I think I am a lot more aware about the power of algorithms and how Google probably should be broken up a bit, since they have so much access to our information and are able to link our information to our friends. I am excited to try and use these algorithms to my own benefit though, at the same time.

Because I have gotten all of my social media accounts aligned and more developed, I do feel like I have an actual business now. I have a larger digital presence, so therefore I can be found by more potential customers and clients. I think social media is incredibly important in this day and age because it lets other people know that your business is out there and available.

As far as services gp, I think something I would like to study a bit more are Funnels and Funnel Kitchens, I came across this term before, through a friend who runs Funnel Kitchens and then again, in Google Analytics, and I don't think I terribly understand what it is. I believe it has to do with using SEO to your advantage, but I would like to research it more, prior to reaching out to that friend in order to join her service.

I am grateful that I took this class. I think it gave me a clear idea on how much work marketing can be, and I am looking to integrate it more into my daily life in order to keep selling work through my side business. Because of Covid, there are no more Craft Fairs, which is how I sold my work in the past. So social media has become a lot more important to me and my business.


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