Week 6 Part A

 Heather Day


Andrea Soos Art




The Minnesota Project


Lisa Congdon Art and Illustration 

I really like how playful Congdon is with her illustrations. I enjoy making books through Adobe Indesign, and I hope that some day I can also create books like Congdon does. She has an interesting background as both an artist and educator.

La Tinta Art

I chose to like La Tinta Art through my Ami Campbell Art Page because I admire this artist and she is the next level up from me with her own business. She is located in a similar geography and has similar connections that I do. I also really enjoy her work and I hope that I can learn from her and perhaps collaborate with her sometime in the future.


Overall I chose these businesses to like with my business because they all have a similar customer base. I feel like through them I can help expand my reach and listen to potential customers through their pages.


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