C.R.A.P.H.T.E.D. Week 3 Part A
What Makes a Good Website
Have you ever come across a website that is so poorly designed, that it makes you want to literally throw your computer or your phone out the window? Have you ever come across a website that makes you want to spend the entire day looking at it, browsing it, and revisiting it over and over again? Websites come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Today, using the elements of design and the design acronym, CRAPHTED we are going to explore what makes a good website, versus what makes a bad one.
Just a Headache Waiting to Happen
Today we have two websites we are going to take a cold hard look at. Both websites seem to have lost their way in trying to promote their businesses, but one of them, while hard to navigate is more clear in its intent on what the website is actually trying to promote.

MGBD Parts and Services
As soon as you enter the website for MGBD Parts and Services, you are hit by an over-repetition of cars that is almost comical. From the start, this website has problems with it's typography, It could also be improved upon by changing up the alignment, adding in a depth of content, and possibly from providing more contrast. The photos of cars and the navigation blend into the background together because there isn't enough contrast so it really messes up the "ease-of-use" when trying to navigate the website. This website doesn't seem like it was done by a professional. It could be easily improved upon by adding more contrast through the website design.
Going into the website, https://jamilin.com/ , I was confused what it was for... I chose this because it almost has the opposite problem of the other website we've looked at today. There isn't any repetition, so therefore there isn't really any clear message on what this website was exactly for. There were also so many problems when it came to the "ease-of-use" for the website. Honestly it was so "all-over-the-place" that it gave me a literal headache going into it. Like, why does it advertise another website in it's header? I only can begin to understand that it is a website belonging to a woman by the name of "Jami Lin" and it's only after I notice that the video attached to the website has a header... so it's not even in the design of the website that I am learning who's website this is. It's because YouTube places a header on people's videos... Some other things that could be improved upon are
This website does not seem as though it was professionally done. It seems it was a website that someone might have started in 2007 and hasn't touched since 2013. Something that is very weird to me when exploring the website is that whenever you click on something new, you are taken to an entire different website. If I had any trust in the website prior to experiencing the many website this original one leads you to, it dissipated. It felt like if I went any further, I would probably end up with a virus. This website could be improved upon if they organized it a little more focused on the depth of the content, and spend a little more time on the hierarchy of things. I hope that I don't end up on a website like this one any time soon. It scared me.
A Sight for Sore Eyes
The two following websites are easy to read, nice to look at and
Head Hunter Hairstyling
This website is a breath of fresh hair. Quite literally perhaps. https://www.headhunterhairstyling.com/ has a really nice sense of concept upon entering the website. You can immediately tell what it is all about. The colors are really nice to look at. It has a nice ease of use through it's simple design and it is just pleasing to experience. You can really tell that someone spent a lot of time and effort on this website. A professional probably pieced it together. Because of their sense of branding it has given me trust in their website. I know I can use their service without getting scammed, where-as the other two made me frightened. I would never give them my credit card information.
National Park Service
Out of the four websites, this was my favorite to wander around. Immediately, you can really get a sense of Hierarchy in what events currently matter the most, and what parks might be featuring activities and celebrations to go along with this holiday. You can really tell that an experienced professional worked incredibly hard on this website. Their website made me want to get outdoors, which is very important to the National Park Service. I liked that they had a Covid-19 warning at the top too because if I were to visit one of their parks during this time, I would hope that they are doing their part to keep both their employees and their park visitors same.
For Week 2 Part B I commented on
O’Connell_Julia, Allen-Robertson_Brittany, Vincent_Thomas, Leshon_Brian
Amanda! First, I would like to start by saying that the layout of your post truly exemplifies this weeks lesson. I love how you incorporated the lesson into your post and you were very thoughtful with your review.
ReplyDeleteThank you Brittany. I really wanted to try and focus on that.